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Project Name: Spark @USD x B Local San Diego Promotional Video Project
Year: 2022-23
Led project to plan, film, and edit social media videos to highlight local San Diego B Corporations
Designed a "walk & talk" style interview process to highlight each B Corp, primarily using the physical spaces of each company as well
Results & Additional Information:
Sam Mazzeo - Founder, Better APC​
Lauren Grattan - Cofounder, Mission Driven Finance
Jay Buys - CEO, Visceral
Nancy Mancilla - President, ISOS Group
Frank Scarpaci - Founder & President, Vianova
Kevin Lee - Environmental Impact & Compliance Specialist, Dr. Bronner's

Project Name: Social Innovation Resource Database
Year: 2022-23
Compiled bank of new multimedia resources, wrote copy, and led creation of new resource page for the Fowler Global Social Innovation Challenge website to help university students from around the world develop ventures and pitches
Results & Additional Information:
Still published in its original form on the Fowler GSIC website
See Social Innovation Resources page here

Project Name: Adaptation for Social Innovation
Year: 2022
Worked with founders of (online entrepreneurship ideation software) to add specific social innovation features to the program
Results & Additional Information:

Project Name: Social Innovation Fellow Handbook
Year: 2023
Solely created comprehensive Social Innovation Fellow Handbook for future fellows, detailing all responsibilities, processes, and best practices for fellowship
Results & Additional Information:
Completed 34-page handbook to pass on to future fellows in USD Institute for Social Innovation (Spark @USD)
See final Handbook here

Project Name: 2023 Kroc School Rwanda Practicum Voice Recording Project
Year: 2023
Led voice recording project to capture student and staff perspectives during Rwanda Practicum; created project structure, wrote copy and instructions, organized media, and created strategy for promotional use
Results & Additional Information:
Kept students on track and compiled individual recordings throughout course of practicum
Oversaw the editing of hours of material down to an 11 minute audio tape of student observations
Passed on to Kroc School marketing team along with recommendations for promotional use & visual media archive
Listen to the final audio compilation here

Project Name: 2022 Fowler Global Social Innovation Challenge Global Finals
Year: 2022
Helped shorthanded staff in planning, preparing for, executing, and evaluating the 2022 Fowler GSIC Global Finals hosted by the University of San Diego
Moderated rooms for pitch judging, handled the hired artist, edited and prepared materials, coordinated activities and communication between staff, judges, and student teams throughout event
Led behind-the-scenes activities during final public show; coordinated order and timing of stage entrances and exits, managed microphones for all speakers, and presented audience choice award
Results & Additional Information:
Over $80,000 in seed funding & resources awarded to student teams from around the world; biggest Global Finals to date
See Result Information here

Project Name: Coronado Conflict Resolution Project
Year: 2022
Developed work plan and led coordination between the Burnham Center, University of San Diego Center for Civil Civic Engagement, and National Conflict Resolution Center in a Spring 2022 initiative to certify high school students in Coronado, CA in conflict mediation and facilitate adult discussions about equity and civil engagement following racist incidents in the community
Results & Additional Information:
Wrote Independent Study Report at project conclusion

Project Name: 2021 Rhodes Institute for Regional Studies Summer Research Project - Walker Ave
Year: 2021
Selected for 2021 RIRS cohort for project proposal to create an album capturing the "Memphis sound"
Spent 100+ hours in the studio writing, recording, and editing
Applied for and won $5,000 grant - used for features, engineering and production costs, and marketing
Learned IRB process, wrote plans and project descriptions, and conducted qualitative research through site visits, interviews, and traditional research methods
Synthesized research and identified themes to give direction to the writing and recording of a multi-genre album aiming to capture the "Memphis sound", featuring several local artists
Results & Additional Information:
Album received almost 100,000 streams around the world
Selected as 2021 Turley Scholar for "transformative work in Memphis through classes, co-curricular and extra-curricular work"
View the official RIRS publication here

Project Name: Orange Mound Community Revitalization Plan
Year: 2021
Worked closely with members of the oldest historically Black community in Memphis, Orange Mound, to develop a community revitalization plan that addressed their most urgent needs
Priorities including food, immediate shelter, loans, transportation, and employment opportunity​
Conducted surveys and focus groups to collect data and input before ideating and executing plans for a new form of shelter as well as services to improve financial literacy, job procurement, and transportation
Results & Additional Information:
Completion of a new shelter to fulfill the most urgent needs of unhoused and hungry residents was finished in March 2021
JUICE organization continued to pursue other community developments after the completion of my project wing

Project Name: PEAK Delly 1 Advertising Campaign
Year: 2017
Developed a comprehensive advertising campaign and marketing strategy for a new performance basketball sneaker, the PEAK Delly 1 for DECA marketing program
Competed in regional, state, and international competitions
Results & Additional Information:
Qualified for state and placed 5th in state to advance to DECA ICDC international competition; first student ever from Centaurus High School to advance to internationals
Management Portfolio
Over my 8 years of project management experience, I have worked on projects in several industries including entrepreneurship, business, music, community development, and conflict resolution. Listed in chronological order are the professional projects I have worked on, including my responsibilities and the results of each.
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